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認知機能障害は統合失調症の中核症状であり,患者の社会機能予後に対して精神病症状以上に大きな影響を及ぼすと考えられている。我々は簡便で鋭敏な認知機能評価のため,統合失調症認知機能簡易評価尺度(Brief Assessment of Cognition in Schizophrenia;BACS)の日本語版(BACS-J)を作成した。このたび,BACS-J標準化のため健常者709名のデータを収集し,その内,性別および学歴を考慮した292名のデータを解析したので報告する。平均年齢(標準偏差)は36.7(13.5)歳,平均教育年数は14.6(2.2)年であった。結果として,年齢とすべてのBACS-J各下位検査およびcomposite scoreとの間に統計学的に有意な相関を認めた。また,言語性記憶課題においてのみ,女性のほうが男性よりも得点が統計学的に有意に高かった。さらに,教育年数と言語性記憶課題,言語流暢性,ロンドン塔検査,そしてcomposite scoreとの間に統計学的に有意な相関を認めた。本研究結果に基づき,年代および性別を考慮したz-score/T-scoreの算出が可能である。
Cognitive impairment is a core feature of schizophrenia, as well as a key determinant of functional outcomes for patients with schizophrenia. We previously developed the Japanese version of the Brief Assessment of Cognition in Schizophrenia (BACS-J), and in this study, we evaluated the cognitive functions of healthy subjects using the BACS-J. Data were collected from 709 healthy controls, and data of 292 of them were used for further analyses. The mean (S.D.) age and years of education for the sample were 36.7 (13.5) and 14.6 (2.2), respectively. Each subject gave informed consent to participate in the study. Higher age was significantly correlated with lower composite score and reduced performance on all tests. Men and women differed in their mean performance only in Verbal Memory, in which women were better than men. Higher education was significantly correlated with higher composite score and increased performance in Verbal Memory, Verbal Fluency, and Tower of London. Using the data obtained in this study, individual test scores can be converted into standardized (T and z) scores and composite scores corrected for age and gender.

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