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2011年はEugen Bleuler(1857~1939)の主著「早発性デメンチア:統合失調症群」(1911)において,精神医学の主要疾患の一つ「統合失調症Schizophrenie」の概念が「早発性デメンチア」(E. Kraepelin:1893~1913)を改訂したものとして提案されて以来,100年にあたる記念の年であったので,国内外で行われた記念事業を紹介し,Bleulerの略伝に触れた後,本邦精神医学黎明期と20~21世紀初頭の欧米精神医学における概念受容の歴史と現況(特に統合失調症の「脱構築/名称変更」問題など)を展望した。
In commemoration of the anniversary of 100 years after the publication of “Dementia praecox:Gruppe der Schizophrenien” by Eugen Bleuler (1911), this paper summarizes its early introduction into Japanese psychiatry as well as a numbre of cerebrating conferences and publications in the world in 2011, and describes, in detail, the course of reception of his immortal concept “schizophrenia” during the 20th century as well as the discussions of its implications (esp. “deconstructing/renaming” of schizophrenia) by the contemporary psychiatry in Europe and America at the beginning of the 21st century.

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