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This study was designed to examine the response of coronary artery bypass conduit to serotonin, phe-nilephrine, and ergonovine as provocation agents of vasoconstriction. Saphenous veins (SV) and internal mammary arteries (IMA) were obtained during coro-nary artery bypass grafting (CABG), and their con-tractile properties were measured using isometric contraction recording apparatus.
Both SV and IMA showed sigmoid contraction curves indicating dose dependence to ergonovine, se-rotonin, and phenilephrine.
The concentration-response relations for phenile-phrine showed a similar curve in both SV and IMA, however, those for ergonovine and serotonin showed a leftward shift in SV compared with IMA. Half maximum effective dose for ergonovine and seroto-nine were less in SV than IMA.
From these results, it was suggested that “periope-rative spasm” during CABG might occur not only in coronary arteries but also in the graft conduit itself. Graft spasm might be a possible mechanism for oc-clusion of the bypass graft.
In conclusion, greater hyperreactivity of SV com-pared with IMA in response to ergonovine and sero-tonin was suggested, so it is concluded that, from this point of view, IMA is more suitable for use in CABG.

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