

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


A Case Report of Dyspnea and Dorsalgia Caused by Compression of the Left Atrium by a Bronchogenic Cyst Shigeho Takarada 1 , Yoshio Wanaka 1 , Akira Baba 1 , Masayo Ibata 1 , Takashi Kubo 1 , Keizo Kimura 1 , Masanori Hamada 1 , Kazushi Tsuda 1 , Takuzo Hano 1 , Ichiro Nishio 1 , Yozo Kokawa 2 , Keiichi Fujiwara 2 , Yasuaki Naito 2 , Satoshi Handa 3 1Department of Cardiovascular Medicine,Wakayama Medical University 2Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Wakayama Medical University 3Cardiovascular Center,Oriono Izumi Hospital Keyword: 気管支原性嚢胞 , 心エコー , 縦隔腫瘤 , bronchogenic cyst , echocardiography , mediastinal mass pp.959-963
Published Date 2002/9/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1404902539
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A case report of dyspnea and dorsalgia caused bycompression of the left atrium by a bronchogenic cyst.A 27-year-old housewife consulted her doctor withdyspnea.chest and back pain on effort.Postero-anteriorchest X-ray had shown nothing in particular 2 yearpreviously but this time, chest X-ray showed a promi-nence in the right upper side of a cardiac shadow.Theechocardiography revealed a thick-walled mass whosesize was 6.7×5.8×5.5cm,compressing the wall of theleft atrium.The mass was not enhanced by contrastmedium,and showed high intensity in both T1 and T2image.Consequently,we diagnosed the mass to be amediastinal cyst with high viscosity and removal of cystwas performed later.Although the cyst had adhered tothe left primary bronchus and epicardium,it was easilyremoved. Microscopic examination of the cyst walldemonstrated a ciliated pseudostratified epithelium,thetypical features of a bronchogenic cyst.

Copyright © 2002, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1200 印刷版ISSN 0452-3458 医学書院


