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A 70-year-old woman treated for angina pectoriswas admitted to a hospital because of severe chestoppression.Immediate cardiac catheterization revealedsevere stenosis of the left main coronary trunk withthree vessel disease.She was referred to our hospitalwhere coronary bypass grafting was performed.Afterthe operation,she developed low cardiac output syn-drome.Although she was treated with cathecholamines,phosphodiesterase (PDE) III inhibitor,diuretic and so onwith intra aortic balloon pumping,her conditioncontinued to deteriorate.We started administration ofcolforsin daropate hydrochloride (CDH).After CDH thecardiac output and the urine volume increased, and thevascular resistance declined without hypotension whichoften occurs in administration of PDE III inhibitors.Inthe examinations after the operation,her ECG revealedno ischemic changes and coronary angiography revealedthat each graft was completely patent.CDH hasremarkable effects in acute cardiac failure with uniquemechanism and CDH can also have effects in low outputsyndrome following coronary artery bypass grafting.

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