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左室造影法により左室壁運動異常を呈する症例(54例)においてAcoustic Quantification(AQ)法より得られた左室容積,駆出率が臨床的に有用であるか否かを左室造影法,シンチグラフィ法と比較し検討した.AQ法,左室造影法,シンチグラフィ法において左室拡張末期容積の平均はそれぞれ77,135,118mlであり,左室収縮末期容積の平均は38,64,57mlであった.左室拡張末期容積においてAQ法と左室造影法,シンチグラフィ法との間にはr=0.81,r=0.68の相関を認めた.同様に左室収縮末期容積においては,r=0.91,r=0.85の相関を認めた.左室容積においてAQ法は他の方法と良い相関関係を認めたが,計測値としては過少評価していた.駆出率においてはそれぞれr=0.84,r=0.77の相関関係を得た.左室壁運動異常症例においてAQ法は有用な方法と推定されたが,左室容積計測値については注意を要すると考えられた.
Acoustic quantification method (AQ : on - line automated boundary detection system) has proved to have a good correlation with left ventriculography (LVG) and scintigraphy (SG) in patients with normal left ventricular (LV) function. The aim of this study is to determine whether AQ is also useful in patients withabnormal LV function. We examined 54 patients with LV asynergy.
End-diastolic volumes with AQ. LVG and SG were 77. 135. 118 ml. A good correlation was found between AQ and LVG and SG (LVG; r =0.81, SG;r=0.68). End-systolic volumes with AQ. LVG and SG were 38,64 and 57 ml.
Left ventricular volumes obtained from AQ had a good correlation with LVG and SG, but were underes-timated.
LV ejection fraction obtained from AQ had good correlation with those with LVG and SG (LVG; r= 0.84, SG; r=0.77). On-line AQ appears to be a useful noninvasive method for evalution of the left ventricular ejection fraction, but care must be exercised when esti-mations of left ventricular volumes are made.

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