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Progesteroneによると思われた下肢静脈血栓・肺塞栓症の1例を経験したので報告する.症例は64歳女性で,1967年に右側乳癌の手術をうけた.1989年6月に右肩の上に腫瘤ができ,生検で乳癌の再発と診断された.5-FUなどの抗癌剤の投与により寛解し,8月よりMedroxyprogesterone acetate 1,200mg/日とTamoxifen 30mg/日が投与された.12月より左下肢の腫脹と息切れが出現し入院した.入院時PO267mmHg,PCO234mmHgで,血液凝固を示すTATが高値で,血管造影で左下肢静脈と右側肺動脈の閉塞を認め,静脈血栓・肺塞栓症と診断した.乳癌は寛解していた.これらの薬剤を中止後に血栓塞栓症は軽快した.Medroxyprogesterone acetateによる血栓塞栓症と考えられた.
A case with lower extremity phlebothrombosis and pulmonary embobolism caused by progesterone is repor-ted in this paper.
The patient is a 64-year-old woman who had been operated on for right breast cancer 22 years before. It was noticed that there was a relapsing cancer on her right shoulder 6 months before this episode. After effective treatment of 5-FU, she had received 1,200mg of Medroxyprogesterone acetate and 30mg of Tamox-ifen daily for 4 months. With the complaint of dyspnea and left leg swelling 4 months after above treatment, she was admitted in our hospital.

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