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ほぼ等頻度の2つの心室副調律を呈した高度房室ブロックの1例を報告する.症例は67歳,男性,6カ月前の心電図は洞調律(72/分),左軸偏位,右脚ブロックでPR 0.19秒,今回動悸で受診時は高度房室ブロックで,2つの心室調律を認めたが,互いにresetされることなくそれぞれ独自の周期性を示した.2つの心室副調律はいずれも右脚ブロック型で,片方は左軸偏位,他方は右軸偏位を呈し,それぞれ35,34でほぼ等頻度の自動能を有した.ホルターではこれとは別に保護ブロックを有さない左脚ブロック型(毎分32)心室補充収縮を認めた,2つの副調律が補充収縮よりもやや周期が短いため補充収縮はほとんど出現せず,また2つの副調律はほぼ等頻度のため互いに交錯して出る時期もある一方で,同期しはじめると長時間にわたり片方の副調律が単独に出る時期もあった.以上高度房室ブロックの症例において,左脚の前枝と後枝に2つの心室副中枢を,右脚ブロック遠位端に心室補充中枢を有するきわめて稀な1例を報告した.
Double ventricular parasystole was documented in a case of a 67-year-old Japanese male with high grade atrioventricular block. His previous 12 lead ECG showed sinus rhythm and right bundle branch block with left axis deviation, suggesting left anterior fas-cicular block. The occasional capture beats showed the same QRS complexes under the high grade atrioventricular block. Two independent regular automaticities with their mutual protection block were supposed to be in the anterior and posterior fascicles of the left bundle branch, each showing right bundle branch block with posterior and anterior fascicular block. Their rates were 34 and 35 per minute. The similarity of the two parasystolic rates often permitted the continuous predominance of one of the two parasys-tole for ten or more seconds or even several minutes. These four QRS complexes were mixed, revealing very complex arrhythmias. Double ventricular parasystole associated with high grade atrioventricular block is the second case report to our knowledge.

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