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In a case showing reentrant atrial extrasystoles with fixed coupling intervals (0.42 sec), the preceding atrial cycles determined whether the subsequent sinus P waveswere followed by single or paired extrasystolic atrial depolarizations, or concealed atrial extrasystoles.
When the preceding atrial cycles ranged between 1.25 and 1.27 sec, intra-atrial reentrant excitation occurred in the supernormal phase, resulting in paired atrial depolarizations.
When, however, the preceding atrial cycles were shor-ter than 1.25 sec, intra-atrial reentrant excitation occur-red after the supernormal phase, resulting in single atrial depolarization.
When the preceding atrial cycles were longer than 1.27 sec, intra atrial reentrant excitation occurredbefore the supernormal phase, again resulting in single atrial depolarization. These findings suggest that Ash-man phenomenon affects not only the refractory period but also the supernormal phase of the intra-atrial reentrant pathway.
This is the first report to show that the Ashman phenomenon affects the supernormal phase of the intra -atrial reentrant pathways, resulting in paired extrasys-tolic atrial depolarizations.

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