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Bunazosinはpost synaptic α-receptorを選択的に阻害するα-blockerとして本邦で開発された。
The acute hemodynamic effect (right atrial pres-sure, mean pulmonary artery pressure, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, cardiac index, heart rate, blood pressure) and neurohumoral response (α-ANP, plasma renin activity, aldosterone, angiotensin II ) of Bunazosin, oral α1 blocker, was investigated in 28 patients with congestive heart failure at rest and immediately after exercise. Bunazosin reduced α-ANP, but, other neurohumoral factors did not chan-ge. Bunazosin produced significant hemodynamic improvements both at rest and after exercise.
Its chronic effect was also investigated in 11 pa-tients in 28 days after taking oral Bunazosin.
Improvement of hemodynamics at acute phase was also preserved at chronic phase without deteriora-tion of nuerohumoral factors.
It is concluded that Bunazosin may be an effective Balanced vasodilator both at acute and chronic pha-ses in patients with congestive heart failure.

Copyright © 1989, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.