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幅広いQRS波を有する頻拍として種々のものが知られているが1),小児に比較的よく認められるものは次の5種類である2)。すなわち,①orthodromic reciproca—ting tachycardia;正常伝導路を順行し副伝導路を逆行する回帰性頻拍で脚ブロック(機能的なものも含む)を伴うもの,②antidromic reciprocating tachycardia; 副伝導路を順行し,正常伝導路を逆行する回帰性頻拍,③bystander atrial tachycardia;副伝導路を順行する心房粗動,④reentrant tachycardia using Mahaim fiber;Mahaim束を順行し,正常伝導路を逆行する回帰性頻拍,⑤心室頻拍である。
Two children with ventricular tachycardia succes-sfully initiated by transesophageal pacing were reported. Electrocardiograms in two patients during ventricular tachycardia revealed complete right bundle branch block pattern and left axis deviation. Ventricular tachycardias were repeatedly initiated by transesophageal atrial pacing in two cases and were also terminated by transesophageal atrial pac-ing in one child. Intracardiac electrophysiologic studies revealed the earliest activation site of leftventricular apex and mechanism as focal reentry. Electrocardiovertor should be prepared before tran-sesophageal pacing in patients with wide QRS com-plex tachycardia.

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