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要旨 本研究は太極拳初心者高齢者の大腿四頭筋への振動刺激(TVS)が自律神経に及ぼす影響について検討した.方法は研究に同意した太極拳初級者教室の高齢者17人(TVS群9人,平均年齢67.8±1.9歳.対照群8人,平均年齢68.3±5.1歳)を被験者とし,TVS群に1日1回,週6日4週間,大腿四頭筋にTVSを与えた.1回のTVS時間は片脚5秒とし,左右交互に12回行った.運動開始前と1カ月後に漸増ランプ負荷運動を実施した.その結果,TVS前と1カ月後の%VCと%FEV1.0は,TVS群にのみ増加が認められた(p<0.05).運動直前の安静状態ではTVS群のLFP/HFPは有意(p<0.5)に上昇し,HFP/TPは有意(p<0.5)に低下した.対照群は変化がなかった.太極拳初心者高齢者の大腿四頭筋群への振動刺激は自律神経活動のバランスの改善を促進し,運動に応じた呼吸循環系の応答を迅速にすることに役立つことが示唆された.
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of tonic vibration stimuli(TV) before Tai Chi Hachidannishiki(Eight Movement Tai Chi: TC8) on the autonomic nervous modulation in elderly novice Tai Chi practitioners.
Methods: Seventeen elderly people were recruited from regularly train in novice Tai Chi classes in this study. They were divided into two groups, nine subjects were vibration group(TVS), aged 67.8±1.9 yr. and eight subjects were control group(CONT), aged 68.3±5.1 yr. TVS was given stimuli(50~60Hz) on each quadriceps muscles alternatively twelve times for 5 seconds per time. This protocol was performed once a day, six days a week for four weeks. Ramp load exercise was performed before and one month after TC8 training in all subjects. And FVC; FEV1.0; knee extension effort force; hemodynamics(blood pressure, mean blood pressure, SpO2); HRV(time and frequency domain); VO2 kinetic response, VE and HR responses during ramp pedaling exercise were measured.
Results: In TVS there was a significant increase in %VC and %FEV one month after the experiment(p<0.05). No correlation was observed in CONT. HRV-frequency domain total power(TP) and low frequency power(LFP) increased in both groups one month after TC8 training. High frequency power(HFP) increase in CONT, but decreased in TVS. LFP/HFP ratio increased in CONT and also increased significantly in TVS(p<0.05). Also, HFP/TP ratio increased in CONT but decreased significantly in TVS (p<0.05) under quiet condition.
Conclusion: Vibration stimuli in quadriceps muscle before exercise enhanced balance of sympathovagal modulation and decreased parasympathetic activity during exercise in elderly novice Tai Chi practitioners. These results suggest that TC8 and tonic muscle vibration stimuli might be an effective way to simulate muscle and promote health in elderly people.

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