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患者は58歳,女性で,2003年8月に右冠動脈における急性心筋梗塞を発症した.右冠動脈近位部の閉塞病変に対してS670TMステントを用いて治療を行った.3カ月後の造影でステント内再狭窄が認められたため,perfusionバルーンによる長時間拡張を行った.しかし,7カ月後に同部位に再々狭窄が認められたため,perfusionバルーンによる長時間拡張を行った.さらに3カ月後に3回目のステント内再狭窄が認められたため,ステント内にCypherTMステントを留置した.6カ月後および12カ月後にはCypherTMステント内の再狭窄は認められなかった.しかし,14カ月後にステント内に75%の狭窄が認められ,late in-stent restenosisと考えられた.
The case of a 58-year-old woman with old myocardial infarction is described. She developed acute myocardial infarction in August, 2003. An emergency coronary arteriogram revealed total occlusion of the proximal right coronary artery. Reperfusion was achieved by bare metal stent implantation with a distal protection device. As a coronary angiogram 3 months and 10 months after the onset showed diffuse in-stent restenosis(ISR), the ISR was treated with gradually prolonged inflation balloon angioplasty and by using a perfusion balloon catheter,respectively. However, as a coronary angiogram 3 months after the second follow-up revealed diffuse ISR, the recurrent ISR was treated with CypherTM stents implantation. At twelve months follow-up after CypherTM stent implantation, the coronary angiogram showed no in-stent restenosis. However, three months later, a coronary angiogram showed 75% in-stent restenosis at the distal site of CypherTM stent. This is a case report of a late in-stent restenosis after 14 months of sirolimus eluting stent implantation. Further studies should investigate the clinical relevance of this phenomenon and the appropriate length of follow-up needed in patients who receive sirolimus eluting stents.

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