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患者は58歳,女性.めまい,動悸を主訴に来院.造影CTで右肺動脈主幹部,左下肺動脈に陰影欠損を認め肺塞栓と診断した.経胸壁心臓超音波検査にて認められた両心房内の血栓様異常陰影は,経食道心臓超音波検査にて,右房から卵円孔に嵌頓し左房に突出した血栓と考えられ,impending paradoxical embolism(IPE)と診断した.抗凝固療法にて肺塞栓は改善し,血行動態の安定した第4病日,下大静脈フィルター挿入し血栓除去術と卵円孔閉鎖術を施行.術後経過良好で第32病日退院した.IPEは全身動脈系へ塞栓症を起こしうる重篤な病態であるが,早期診断治療により治癒しうるものである.稀ではあるが,重要な病態であるので報告する.
Impending paradoxical embolism(IPE) is a rare, life-threatening but treatable syndrome. A 58-year-old woman was admitted because of pulmonary thromboembolism. Transesophageal echocardiography showed masses in the right and left atrium straddling a patent foramen ovale(PFO). We diagnosed IPE. On the fourth hospital day surgical embolectomy and PFO closure were performed after on inferior vena cava filter was inserted. The course of the patients recovery was uneventful and she was discharged on the thirty-second hospital day.

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