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要旨●表在性非乳頭部十二指腸上皮性腫瘍(superficial non-ampullary duodenal epithelial tumors ; SNADETs)では粘液形質を推定しながら内視鏡診断を進めることが重要である.筆者らはこれまでにSNADETsに対する組織学的異型度診断のアルゴリズムとして,粘液形質を想定したクリスタルバイオレット染色拡大観察(ME-CV)アルゴリズムを提唱してきた.今回,自施設で診断されたSNADETs 109例を対象とし,白色光スコアリングシステムとME-CVアルゴリズムのVienna分類C4/5に対する診断能を3名の内視鏡専門医の判定を用いて検討した.白色光スコアリングシステムのC4/5に対する診断能は感度45.2%,特異度70.5%,正診率63.3%,AUC(area under the curve)0.58であり,ME-CVアルゴリズムの診断能は感度87.1%,特異度80.8%,正診率82.6%,AUC 0.84であった.各診断方法の観察者間の一致度は,白色光スコアリングシステムで0.45,ME-CVアルゴリズムで0.46であった.以上より,ME-CVアルゴリズムはSNADETsの組織学的異型度診断に有用である可能性が示唆された.
It is important to estimate the mucin phenotype for endoscopic diagnosis of SNADET(superficial non-ampullary duodenal epithelial tumors). A diagnostic algorithm is proposed under ME-CV(magnifying chromoendoscopy with crystal violet staining)to distinctly differentiate high-grade adenomas/intramucosal carcinomas(Vienna category 4 [VCL C4])and submucosal invasion carcinomas(VCL C5)from low-grade adenomas(VCL C3). This study aimed to evaluate the diagnostic values of the WLE(white light endoscopy)scoring system and ME-CV algorithm with receiver operating characteristic curves. Three endoscopists calculated the sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and AUC(area under the curve). Retrospectively a total of 109 patients were enrolled with endoscopically or surgically resected SNADETs evaluated using ME-CV. The sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and AUC were higher in the ME-CV than in WLE scoring system(87.1 vs. 45.2, 80.8 vs. 70.5, 82.6 vs. 63.3, and 0.58 vs. 0.84, respectively). The inter-observer agreements of the WLE scoring system and ME-CV were moderate(kappa 0.45 and 0.46, respectively). Therefore, the ME-CV algorithm may be useful for diagnosing C4/5 and C3 SNADETs.

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