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要旨●胃MALTリンパ腫の病因として,API2-MALT1融合遺伝子,H. pylori感染症が知られているが,近年NHPH誘導性の胃MALTリンパ腫の存在が明らかになっている.本稿では,胃MALTリンパ腫におけるNHPH感染状況,除菌治療反応性,内視鏡的特徴などについて解説する.当科の検討において,NHPH感染はAPI2-MALT1遺伝子陰性H. pylori陰性症例の55%(16/29)に認められ,H. pylori陰性胃MALTリンパ腫の主要な病因の一つであると考えられた.また,従来除菌治療による寛解率が低いと考えられてきたH. pylori陰性の胃MALTリンパ腫においても,NHPH陽性例では,高率(75%,12/16)に除菌治療による寛解が得られた.NHPH陽性胃MALTリンパ腫に特徴的にみられる内視鏡所見として,鳥肌様の変化やMLP(multiple lymphomatous polyposis)様の顆粒状の変化が観察されることが多く,背景粘膜にもNHPH感染に特徴的な所見がみられた.特徴的な内視鏡所見を念頭に置いたうえで,NHPH感染の可能性を考慮した胃MALTリンパ腫の診療を行うことが大切である.
Fusion of the API2-MALT1 gene and H. pylori(Helicobacter pylori)infection is a well-established etiology of gastric MALT(mucosa- associated lymphoid tissue)lymphoma ; however, the existence of NHPH(Non-Helicobacter pylori helicobacter)-induced gastric MALT lymphoma has been recently reported. In this study, the role of NHPH infection in gastric MALT lymphoma and its response to eradication therapy and endoscopic characteristics are summarized. Our previous study reported that NHPH infection occurred in 16(55%)of the 29 patients with API2-MALT1 and H. pylori, both negative for gastric MALT lymphomas, and was therefore considered as the major cause of H. pylori-negative gastric MALT lymphomas. However, patients with H. pylori-negative gastric MALT lymphoma exhibited a low remission rate via eradication therapy, while those with NHPH-positive lymphomas had a high remission rate(12/16, 75%). The endoscopic images of NHPH-positive gastric MALT lymphoma are characterized by microgranular changes, such as nodular gastritis-like appearance and MLP(multiple lymphomatous polyposis)-like changes. The background mucosa of patients with NHPH infection also displays unique characteristics. Therefore, gastric MALT lymphoma should be treated while considering the possibility of an NHPH infection and the endoscopic characteristics caused by it.

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