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要旨●目的:表在性非乳頭部十二指腸上皮性腫瘍(SNADET)に関しては,内視鏡診断のみならず,病理組織学的診断についても明確な診断基準がない.今回は,低異型度高分化型上皮性腫瘍の細胞形質発現に基づく新たな病理組織学的診断アルゴリズムをgold standardとしてNBI併用拡大内視鏡(M-NBI)の診断能について検討した.方法:2008年10月〜2017年11月までに,生検未施行でM-NBIが実施され,内視鏡的切除が施行された34病変を対象とし,VSCSを用いたM-NBI診断能を後方視的に検討した.病理診断は低異型度高分化型上皮性腫瘍の細胞形質発現に基づく診断アルゴリズムに基づき,revised Vienna classificationでCategory 3(C3),Category 4(C4)に分類した.成績:C3 12病変vs C4 22病変であり,C4に対するM-NBIの診断能は,感度95.5%,特異度58.3%,正診率82.4%であった.しかし,M-NBIにてC3を癌と診断した限界病変が存在し,特に有茎性のC3 2病変においてはいずれもM-NBIにて癌と誤診した.有茎性病変を除いたM-NBIの診断能は,感度95.5%,特異度70.0%,正診率87.5%であった.結論:VSCSを用いたM-NBIは,SNADETの質的診断におけるoptical biopsyとして有用である可能性がある.しかし,内視鏡診断と病理組織学的診断の乖離例が存在し,今後より多数の症例を集積したうえでのさらなる検討が必要である.
Aim:We previously reported that M-NBI(magnifying endoscopy with narrow band imaging)findings in SNADETs(superficial non-ampullary duodenal epithelial tumors)can be modified by biopsy. This study aims to evaluate the diagnostic performance of M-NBI in SNADETs before biopsy.
Methods:We retrospectively analyzed the M-NBI images before biopsy and the resected specimens of 34 consecutive SNADETs. Lesions were classified into two groups according to the Vienna classification:category 3(12 lesions, 35%)and category 4(22 lesions, 65%). The correlation between the characteristics of microvascular and microsurface findings at M-NBI and histopathological diagnosis of SNADETs were also evaluated. Diagnosis of M-NBI was conducted according to the VS(vessel plus surface)classification system, which is established for the early diagnosis of gastric cancer.
Results:The accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of preoperative diagnoses using M-NBI according to the VS classification system were 82%, 96%, and 58%, respectively ; furthermore, the accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of the preoperative diagnoses except for pedunculated lesions were 88%, 96%, and 70%, respectively.
Conclusions:The accuracy of M-NBI according to the VS classification system in SNADETs was found to be notable for distinguishing carcinomas from benign lesions ; therefore, application of M-NBI endoscopy in SNADETs before biopsy is of great significance for clinical practice. However, additional advantages of M-NBI endoscopy remain unclear, and further studies need to be conducted.

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