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要旨●目的:十二指腸上皮性腫瘍に対するNBI併用拡大内視鏡(M-NBI)の診断能について検討する.方法:生検未施行のM-NBIが実施された連続する十二指腸上皮性腫瘍27病変〔低異型度腺腫(LGA)群19病変,粘膜内癌・高異型度腺腫(EC)群8病変〕を対象とし,VSCS(VS classification system)によるLGA群とEC群の鑑別診断能について評価した.成績:VSCSを用いたM-NBIの診断能はそれぞれ,感度:100%,特異度:78.9%,正診率:85.2%であった.ほぼすべての病変に粘膜白色不透明物質(WOS)が存在し,63%の症例で微小血管構築像(V)が視認困難であり,Vの所見に両群間で有意差は認めなかった.表面微細構造(S)に関しては,EC群はLGA群に比べてirregularと判断された病変が有意に多く,その内訳としてWOSの形状不均一,分布非対称性,配列不規則を呈する所見の頻度が有意に高かった.結論:VSCSを用いたM-NBIは,十二指腸上皮性腫瘍の鑑別診断において有用であることが示唆された.特にWOSの形態学的評価が重要と考えられた.
Aim:We aimed to evaluate the diagnostic performance of M-NBI(magnifying endoscopy with narrow band imaging)in SNADETs(superficial non-ampullary duodenal epithelial tumors)before biopsy.
Methods:We retrospectively analyzed both the M-NBI images before biopsy and the resected specimens of 27 consecutive SNADETs[light-to-medium-degree atypical tumor(LGA)group, 18 lesions;duodenal cancer and high-degree atypical tumor(EC)group, 9 lesions]. We investigated the correlation between the histopathological type of the SNADETs and the characteristic microvascular(MV)and microsurface(MS)M-NBI findings, using the established vessel plus surface(VS)classification system for the M-NBI diagnosis of early gastric cancer.
Results:The accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of preoperative diagnoses using M-NBI according to the VS classification system were 85.2%, 100%, and 78.9%, respectively. A WOS(white opaque substance)was present in nearly all SNADETs, obscuring the morphology of the subepithelial microvessels in 63.0% of lesions. There was no significant difference in the MV pattern between the C3 and C4 groups. The occurrence of an irregular MS pattern, especially the heterogeneous morphology of WOS, the asymmetrical distribution of WOS, and the irregular arrangement of WOS were significantly higher in the C4 group.
Conclusions:The accuracy of M-NBI according to the VS classification system in SNADETs was useful in distinguishing carcinomas from benign lesions. However, the additional advantages of magnifying endoscopy remain unclear, and further studies are required.

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