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Low-grade, Well-differentiated Adenocarcinoma of the Small Intestinal ("Crawling-type" Adenocarcinoma) with Light Blue Crest, Report of a Case Hideho Honda 1 , Tetsuya Ueo 1 , Hirotoshi Yonemasu 2 , Masahide Fukuda 3 , Takafumi Fuchino 1 , Haruhiko Takahashi 1 , Kazumi Togo 1 , Makoto Katsuta 1 , Takahiro Kimoto 1 , Yuji Abe 1 , Shotaro Inoue 1 , Kurato Wada 1 , Ryoji Kushima 3 , Kazunari Murakami 4 1Department of Gastroenterology, Oita Red Cross Hospital, Oita, Japan 2Department of Pathology, Oita Red Cross Hospital, Oita, Japan 3Department of Clinical Laboratory Medicine and Diagnostic Pathology, Shiga University of Medical Science, Otsu, Japan 4Department of Gastroenterology, Faculty of Medicine, Oita University, Yufu, Japan Keyword: 低異型度分化型胃癌 , light blue crest , LBC , 横這型胃癌 , 拡大内視鏡 , 小腸型形質 pp.273-277
Published Date 2019/2/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403201590
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 Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy performed on a man in his 50s revealed a reddish flat lesion, 10mm in diameter, on the posterior wall of the lower gastric body. A biopsy was performed on the lesion, and the man was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma. Using ME-NBI(magnifying endoscopy with narrow band imaging), LBC(light-blue crest)was detected in the tumor but not in the surrounding mucosa. LBC was used as a demarcation line between the tumor and the surrounding mucosa. ME-NBI also revealed slightly irregular microvascular architecture and microsurface structure. These endoscopic findings suggested that the tumor was a type of low-grade, well-differentiated adenocarcinoma of the small intestinal ("crawling-type" adenocarcinoma). The surgeon performed an endoscopic submucosal dissection for histological assessment, and the results confirmed the findings of ME-NBI. We believe that ME-NBI used in this case was able to aid clear visualization of the features of this type of adenocarcinoma.

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電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


