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要旨●患者は40歳代,女性.胃潰瘍でH. pyloriの除菌歴あり.1型糖尿病からの糖尿病性腎症による末期腎不全に対して腹膜透析を導入され,同時期より炭酸ランタンを服用開始となった.炭酸ランタン内服開始21か月目のEGDでは胃,十二指腸に白色微細顆粒状粘膜を認め,胃の萎縮境界は不明瞭化していた.内服開始32か月目には,胃全体にみられた白色微細顆粒は,一部で集簇し斑状,環状となり,ひび割れ様の粘膜模様を呈した.十二指腸の所見も強くなり,十二指腸下行部ではKerckring皺襞の稜上に強く所見を認めた.NBI併用拡大所見では,窩間部の白色変化は明瞭化したが,上皮直下の毛細血管は視認可能であった.白色顆粒状粘膜からの生検で,粘膜内に淡褐色〜好酸性の物質を含む組織球の集簇を認めた.以上の所見より,炭酸ランタン関連胃十二指腸病変と診断した.
A 40-year-old asymptomatic woman was referred to our department for an EGD(esophagogastroduodenoscopy). She had a history of H. pylori(Helicobacter pylori)eradication due to gastric ulcer. She began taking lanthanum carbonate orallyafter the introduction of peritoneal dialysis for end-stage chronic kidney disease resulting from diabetic nephropathy. Twenty-one months after beginning lanthanum carbonate, EGD showed white granular mucosa in both the stomach and duodenum. At 32 months, the endoscopic findings were more obvious, and the white granular mucosa stood out on the Kerckring's folds of the duodenal descending portion. Biopsy of the white granular mucosa showed the deposition of fine, amorphous, eosinophilic material and histiocytic accumulation. She was diagnosed with gastroduodenal lesions in relation to lanthanum carbonate.

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