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A 61-year-old female presented for evaluation with symptoms suggestive of appendicitis. A fecal occult blood test was positive, and a colonoscopy was performed, which revealed a 2cm flexible, elevated lesion with a short pedicle in the appendiceal orifice. The mass had a peculiar gross morphology, which may be described as a pickled plum shape, and thick mucus pooled within grooves between lobulations on the surface of the mass. Magnification of the mass revealed various types of pits, including ovals, ellipses, and stars. Differentiation between tumor and uninvolved tissue was difficult on endoscopic evaluation. Histological examination revealed a uniformly lobulated structure with the dendritically branched muscularis mucosa as an axis, and nonneoplastic, hyperplastic ductal gland growth into the large intestine. The overall image was consistent with a Peutz-Jeghers type polyp.
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