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要旨●患者は50歳代,男性.便潜血反応陽性のため大腸内視鏡を施行した.盲腸に表面平滑な隆起性病変を認めた.色素撒布像で隆起の周辺に無名溝が消失した領域があり,その境界は不明瞭であった.NBI拡大観察で隆起頂部には深部から表層に向かって走行する拡張・蛇行した血管が観察された.クリスタルバイオレット染色像で同部位はI型pitが観察され,窩間部は開大しており,上皮下腫瘍と考えられた.確定診断を目的としてprecutting EMRを施行した.病理組織学的には主に粘膜固有層内に紡錘形細胞が増殖し,またその中に神経節細胞の混在もみられ,神経節細胞腫と診断された.上皮下腫瘍の形態を呈した神経節細胞腫の1例を経験したので,その内視鏡検査所見を検討し,報告する.
A 50-year-old man came to our hospital with purpose of examination for positive fecal occult blood test. Colonoscopy revealed a smooth-surfaced, protruding lesion in the cecum. After spraying the indigocarmine dye, the border of the lesion was obscured. Magnifying endoscopy by narrow-band imaging technique revealed dilated and tortuous microvessels on the surface of the lesion. After spraying the crystal violet dye, a non-neoplastic pit was detected on the lesion and intervening part was dilated. These findings suggested that this lesion was a subepithelial tumor. Diagnostic endoscopic mucosal resection was performed and histological examination revealed spindle and ganglion cells in the lamina propria. Therefore, a diagnosis of ganglioneuroma was made.

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