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要旨 患者は70歳代,女性.スクリーニング目的に大腸内視鏡検査を施行された.通常内視鏡観察で下部直腸にIIa+IIc病変を認め皺襞集中像を伴っていた.拡大観察ではIIa部にIIIL型pit patternがみられ,IIc部にはVI型高度不整pit patternや点状模様所見がみられSM深部浸潤癌と診断した.術前生検では小型細胞が胞巣状に増生し低分化腺癌の所見であった.腹会陰式直腸切断術が施行され,病理所見ではIIa部は高分化管状腺癌でIIc部は低分化腺癌であった.深達度は低分化腺癌の領域も含めて大部分がpMでわずかな領域にpSM微小浸潤(350μm)を認めるのみであった.粘膜下層には高度な線維化を認めひだ集中の原因と考えられた.大腸低分化腺癌の初期像,診断において示唆に富む症例と考え報告する.
A 70-year-old woman visited our hospital and was found by colonoscopy to have a type 0-IIa+IIc lesion in the lower rectum with converging folds. In magnifying endoscopy, the depressed areas were observed as irregular pit and dot-like pit patterns. We diagnosed this lesion as a massive submucosal invasive cancer. Low anterior resection was performed. Histological findings showed well differentiated and poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma. The depth of most of the area was intramucosal invasion, but, in one area, it had invaded into the submucosal layer(only 350μm)with lymphatic invasion. It is an interesting case in histogenesis and diagnosis of poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma of the colon and rectum.

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