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要旨●患者は70歳代,男性.2012年に便潜血反応陽性の精査目的に大腸内視鏡検査を施行,S状結腸に径15mm大の0-IIa+IIc型病変を認めた.通常内視鏡観察では陥凹部に硬さがありSM浸潤の可能性が示唆されたが,拡大内視鏡観察ではSM深部浸潤所見は認めなかったため,完全摘除生検目的にてESDを施行した.病理組織学的所見は,well differentiated adenocarcinoma,pT1a(SM 600μm),ly0,v0,budding(簇出)Grade 1,HM0,VM0で治癒切除であった.表面型腫瘍において,腫瘍の硬さはSM浸潤以外の理由でも呈する場合があるが,今回,腫瘍の硬さを認めるものの,拡大内視鏡観察でSM深部浸潤所見を否定でき,内視鏡治療で根治できた大腸SM癌を経験したので報告する.
A male in his 70's was referred to our hospital for further examination and treatment of early colorectal carcinoma. A colonoscopy revealed a 15mm-diameter 0-IIa+IIc lesion with hardness in the central depression in the sigmoid colon. However, magnifying colonoscopy showed a regular pit pattern or VI pit pattern. Thus, we ruled out deep submucosal invasive carcinoma. We conducted endoscopic submucosal dissection to perform an excisional total biopsy. Histopathological examination revealed well-differentiated adenocarcinoma(tub1)with shallow submucosal invasion(T1a;submucosal, 600μm), no vessel involvement, and negative tumor margin(curative resection).

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