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要旨 ESDを施行した早期胃癌593例735病変を,治癒切除例(A群 ; 490例),断端陽性・判定不能ないし分割切除などの技術的要因による非治癒切除例(B群 ; 46例),病理学的理由による非治癒切除で経過観察した病変(C群 ; 13例),外科的切除を追加した病変(D群 ; 44例)に分類し,適応外病変の経過と予後を検討した.いずれの群でも経過観察中のリンパ節転移や遠隔転移は認めなかった.D群における手術時の癌遺残率とリンパ節転移率は各々6.8%であった.Kaplan-Meier法による生存曲線においても各群間に差は認めなかった.一方,疾患特異的生存率はB,C,D群は100%であったのに対し,A群で異時性異所再発病変のため胃癌死を2例認めた.以上より,本研究においては適応外病変の経過観察中に遠隔転移や胃癌死がないことが確認された.
ESD(endoscopic submucosal dissection)was performed in 593 patients(735 lesions)with early gastric cancer. Cases were divided into four groups, and the clinical course and prognosis after the procedure were retrospectively investigated. Group A comprised cases treated by curative resection ; group B, cases treated by noncurative resection, including those with positive or indeterminate margins and with surgical piece-meal resection because of technical reasons ; group C, cases with pathologically noncurative resection, and group D, cases with surgical resection. There was no lymph node or distant metastasis in any group during the follow-up period. In group D, residual cancer and lymph node metastasis were positive in three cases each(6.8%). The overall survival was no different among the groups. The disease-specific survival rate was 100% for groups B, C, and D. However, two patients died of metachronous gastric cancer in group A. No distant metastasis or death due to gastric cancer was noted during the follow-up period in patients treated by noncurative resection.

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