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要旨 炎症性腸疾患(IBD)の臨床においては,粘膜における“deep remission”が重視されつつある.今回,筆者らはIBD症例について回腸末端の拡大内視鏡観察を行い,その意義について検討した.Crohn病では,Peyer板および周囲の絨毛が高頻度に萎縮し変形を来していた.また,Peyer板内にびらんなどの病変を認めた場合には,同部からの生検において高頻度に非乾酪性肉芽腫が証明され,確定診断のための狙撃生検に適していることが示唆された.潰瘍性大腸炎では回腸末端に炎症を認めることはあるものの,Peyer板のドーム領域や周囲絨毛の萎縮がないか,もしくは軽度であることからCrohn病とは区別された.
In recent years, “deep remission”of mucosa has received much attention in clinical assessments of IBD(inflammatory bowel disease). In this study, we examined magnifying endoscopic findings of the terminal ileum in IBD in detail and evaluated the significance of the observations. In CD(Crohn's disease), Peyer's patches and surrounding villi are frequently atrophic and distorted. Particularly when erosions in the Peyer's patches are observed, noncaseating granuloma can be frequently identified by taking biopsy specimens from the area. Ileitis is sometimes observed in the terminal ileum of UC(ulcerative colitis); however, the atrophic villi in UC are very few and different as compared with those in CD.

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