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Extent of Cancer of Gallbladder and the Prognosis Seiji Yokomizo 1 , Toshimichi Nakayama 1 , Shozo Nishimura 1 1The Second Department of Surgery, Kurume University, School of Medicine pp.549-554
Published Date 1987/5/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403112839
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 In 66 resected cases with carcinoma of the gallbladder, the extent of the spread of the carcinoma, operative procedure for resection, and the prognosis were studied. The spread of the tumors is closely related to the degree of the tumor invasion of the gallbladder wall. In the cases with tumors localized within the mucosa (“m”) and muscularis (“pm”), there was no metastasis to the lymph nodes nor direct invasion of the liver or the bile duct. However, in the cases with the tumors spreading beyond the subserosa (“ss”), there was metastasis and invasion related to the degree of spread. As to the relationship between the degree of invasion and its prognosis, there was a 100% chance of a three year survival rate in “m” and a 100% chance of a five year survival rate in “pm”, while there was a 52.5% chance of a five year survival rate in “ss”, a 42.9% chance of a five year survival rate in cases with tumors reaching as far as the serosa (“se”), and a 50% chance of a three year survival rate but no chance of survival beyond 5 years in cases with tumors infiltrating the serosa (“si”). The prognosis became worse when the invasion exceeded muscularis “pm”. As to the location of the carcinoma and its extension, the invasion of the bile duct from the lesion at the neck of the gallbladder, and the direct invasion of the liver from the lesion at the bed of the gallbladder were more frequently seen. Operative procedures should be selected in accordance with the location of the carcinoma. Metastasis most frequently seen from any location of the carcinoma was metastasis to the lymph nodes, and it was seen in the hepato-duodenal mesentery even a case of relatively early carcinoma which had been resected. Therefore, the importance of lymphadenectomy of the mesentery including cholecystectomy and resection of the bile duct was emphasized.

Copyright © 1987, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


