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Should gastric ulcer failing to heal after more than 6 months of medical management be called intractable ulcer, 14.9 percent of our treated cases belonged to this category.
The male outnumbered female in this group of ulcers with a ratio of 5.4: 1.0. The patients most affected by it were 40-69 years of age, as, for instance, 33.6 percent in people in the forties and 32.3 in the fifties. There was no preferential site for intractable ulcer.
Large ulcers more than 2 cm in diameter were seen in 21 percent of intractable cases, by far a higher figure as compared with ulcer cases of random sampling, which showed only 5.2 percent. The rate of healing for large ulcer in the period of 1-2 months was low.
Linear ulcers more than 3 cm long were seen in 7.3 percent of intractable ulcers, while in random sampling cases seen in only 2.1 percent. The rate of healing in 6 months for linear ulcer was as low as 49.4 percent.
Multiple ulcers were also seen in 24.2 percent of intractable cases, a statistically high and significant figure as compared with random sampling cases of ulcer, which showed them in only 9.2 percent. Kissing ulcers were easier to heal on the anterior wall than those on the posterior wall.
No definite difference was seen in the rate of recurrence between the male and female. In both, recurrence was most often seen in patients in the prime of life from the thirties to fifties. Recurring ulcer did not show any predicable site.
Larger ulcers tended to recur (87/162 or 55.4%) more often than smaller ones less than 0.5 cm in diameter (54/173 or 31.1%). Multiple ulcers showed a higher rate of recurrence (57/131 or 43.5%).
An also statistically important difference was seen in the rate of recurrence between the patients who took medicine regularly (83/206) and those who gave up taking medicine (97/133 or 72.9%). Of course ulcer recurred in some of patients during medication.
Predisposing factors to recurrence of ulcer included smoking, mental and physical overwork, insufficient sleep and irregularity of the time for meals.

Copyright © 1974, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.