

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Tumors in the Upper Abdomen and Celiac Angiography M. Takahashi 1 1Dept. of Radiol. Schod of Medicine, Akita University pp.735-746
Published Date 1974/6/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403111903
  • Abstract
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 For radiographic diagnosis of tumors in the upper part of the abdomen we are provided with various methods including plain exposure and upper G-I series. For all that, they remain indirect diagnostic procedures, arriving at a diagnosis only through the study of areas neighboring on a given neoplasm or its relationship to the adjoining viscera. On the other hand, celiac angiography affords us more information in qualitative diagnosis of a tumor not only about the regions around it or their relationship to the neighboring organs but also about how it is within the tumor itself through visualizing abnormal courses of blood vessels around it or even those within it.

 On the basis of about 3,000 cases of celiac angiography performed by us so far, we have described in this paper its techniques and the regular sequences in putting it in practice, together with its significance in the diagnosis of masses in the upper abdomen. How to interprete the findings obtained thereby has also been presented along with its importance in qualitative diagnosis of those neoplasms. Special reference has been added to tumors in such organs as the liver, pancreas, spleen, biliary tract, greater omentum, kidney, adrenal gland, rectum and those in the retroperitoneal cavity, with some comments not only on the interpretation of the findings obtained from them but on the diagnostic significance as well in reading them correctly.

 Celiac angiography is not completely free from untoward complications, and it is especially emphasized here that this procedure be done only at the hands of experts in it.

Copyright © 1974, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


