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Magnified roentgenograms were obtained of resected stomachs in 8 cases of early cancer and 23 of advanced carcinoma. Comparison of our study with fixed specimens and histological findings gave the following results: -
1. If diagnosis of gastric cancer be done from mucosal pattern on roentgenogram, it was difficult to differentiate the area of cancerous protrusion scirrhus, and IIb seen in association with a main lesion from a portion of highly atrophic noncancerous mucosa.
2. Of various mucosal patterns presented byprotruding cancer, Group B (in which the areae gastricae are preserved, though irregular and incomplete) was divided into laid-bare-cancer type and undermining-cancer type. Destruction of the area gastrica was of higher degree in exposed type.
3. In scirrhus Group, B (II) and B (III) (where the areae are preserved in irregular and incomplete patterns, but the destruction of sulci is recognized) were both of undermining type.
4. Four cases of concomitant IIb were either of Group B (II) or B (III), all belonging to laid-bare-cancer type. The areae were highly destroyed.
5. Among patterns of non-cancerous mucosa, 18 per cent of those with advanced atrophy showed areal destruction, difficult to differentiate from cancerous mucosa. We believe this represents limitations of roentgenological diagnosis for flat-surface type of gastric cancer.
Copyright © 1974, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.