

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


PRIMARY CARCINOMA OF THE JEJUNUM, A CASE REPORT Kaisuke Suzuki 1 1Dept. of Surgery Showa University pp.793-797
Published Date 1969/6/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403111131
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 A relatively rare disease, primary carcinoma of the jejunum recently encountered is discribed in this paper with some comments on its literature.

 Case: a female 55 years of age.

 Chief complaints: pain and sensation of fullness in the abdomen.

 Past history: Since May 1966, she had been treated by her doctor on account of gastric ulcer.

 Present history: On March 29 1967, she was suddenly attacked by pain and extreme sensation of fullness of abdomen. As medical treatments were ineffective to alleviate her pain, she was examined at a medical office by x-ray. The diagnosis was gastric ulcer and intestinal stricture. The patient was then referred to authors’ hospital.

 X-ray findings: In double contrast study of the stomach, deformity of the incisura with mucosal convergence was noted. In the intestine a stricture was also found with its oral loop dilated. Operation was performed under the preoperative diagnosis of intestinal constriction and gastric ulcer scar.

 Findings at operation: In the serosa of the stricture, 170cm away from the Treitz's ligament, a scar-like white spot was observed. As several regional lymph nodes were swollen in neighboring mesentry, metastasis from gastric cancer was suspected. Thorough examination of the stomach revealed no cancer lesion. However, as it was impossible to rule out gastric cancer after all, partial gastrectomy including ulcer scar was performed next to the resection of the strictured intestinal segment.

 Histopathorogical picture: No gastric cancer was demonstrated. The stricture in the jejunum was caused by adenocarcinoma infiltrating into the subserosal layer.

Copyright © 1969, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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