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X線および内視鏡検査の発達と共に,早期胃癌の診断は,最近ますます微細病変や非定型的な病変を対象とするようになっている.定型的なⅠ,Ⅱa,Ⅱc,Ⅱc+Ⅲ型などの病変の診断は問題でないが,良性ポーリプと鑑別困難なⅠ型,いわゆる異型上皮の増殖によるⅡa subtypeとⅡa型早期胃癌との鑑別,潰瘍周辺の浅い境界不明瞭なⅡc,さらにはⅡbないしⅢ型病変の確定診断に当っては,FGS生検の果す役割は極めて大きい.
Of 74 cases of early gastric cancer, 70 cases or 94 per cent were accurately diagnosed by FGS biopsy, while the positive rate of endoscopic diagnosis prior to biopsy was no more than 69 per cent. That of diagnosis by re-endoscopy increased, however, to 91 per cent. This fact accounts for the decrease of typical cases of Ⅱc, Ⅱc+Ⅲ, and instead for rapid increase of shallow Ⅱc type lesions, which are of indefinite demarcation and found around ulcers. They are to be diagnosed accurately only by biopsy. As exact diagnosis on the macroscopic level is difficult for such early gastric cancer as Ⅲ, Ⅱb and I type in which cancer tissue is localized in a part of polyp, biopsy is always necessary for such lesions.
Two cases of type Ⅲ and one case each of Ⅱb+Ⅲ and Ⅱb+Ⅱc were correctly diagnosed by biopsy. FGS biopsy is most effective in the differential diagnosis of protruded lesions, especially in plateau-like protrusions between Ⅱa type early gastric cancer and Ⅱa subtype formed by proliferation of atypical epithelia, and in the diagnosis of shallow Ⅱc type lesion found around ulcer. The fact that Ⅱc lesion is apt to ulcerate and that its ulcer heals easily has gradually been clarified of late, but ulcer in such a cancer lesion is hard to be discriminated from benign ulcer by endoscopy alone.
Ⅱc in the surrounding area is often overlooked at a certain time in the course of its natural development. Careful observation of healing process of an ulcer lesion is on that account a must and, if doubtful, it must be subjected without fail to biopsy. It goes without saying that for the diagnosis of early gastric cancer, FGS biopsy is one of the most effective weapons, but its merits cannot be fully proved unless other basic diagnostic technics such as x-ray and endoscopy are sufficiently employed as well.

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