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従来より月経に関連して,大体規則正しく周期的に子宮以外の身体部分から出血のくりかえされる例のあることが知られていた.この場合,月経が無く他臓器からの出血のみをみるとき,これを代償性月経(vicarious or substitutional menstruation)といい,少量の月経出血があり,同時に他臓器からの出血をも伴うとき,これを補充性月経(complementary or supplementary menstruation)と称してきた.この際,出血のみられる子宮以外の臓器としては,後述するように種々のものがあげられているが,胃出血の頻度はきわめて少ない.ことに胃から出血したということを証拠をもって示した報告は,内外ともにいくらさがしてもみあたらない.もっとも胃から出血している時点をつかむのは容易なことではない.かって月経時になると,きまって上腹部の不快感と悪心を伴い,血を吐くという26歳の婦人の精査を婦人科から依頼され,出血部位の検索に苦労したことがあった.吐血がもっとも考えられたのでファイバースコープ検査ものべ9回行なったが,ついに出血部位をつきとめることができなかった.これは患者が札幌在住でなかったので,いつも出血の翌日でないと検査することができなかったためであり,このような場合は,出血後直ちに観察しないと出血部位の発見はむずかしいものと考えていた.
It has been long known that fairly regular, periodic bleeding from various parts of the body other than the uterus occurs in some instances. When bleeding takes place from other parts of the body and not at all from the uterus, it is called vicarious menstruation, whereas, when bleeding from other organs is accompanied with slight uterine hemorrhage, it is called complementary menstruation. Bleeding sites other than the uterus are nose, subcutaneous layer, lungs, mamilla, the vesicle and so forth. It is true that gastric hemorrhage, though rare, has been reported as a compensating phase of regular menstruation, but never on the basis of indubitable proof of its authenticity has it been referred to, both at home and abroad.
Recently a case of gastric hemorrhage as confirmed by endoscopy was encountered compensating for regular menses. The patient, a 32-year-old nurse, having invariable attack of epigastric distress and nausea during premenstrual period, had gastric bleeding as well; when it was abundant, she would have no menstruation (vicarious); while in less massive bleeding from the stomach, she would have slight uterine hemorrhage (complementary), lasting little more than one or two days. As several consecutive posthemorrhagic endoscopic studies were successful in catching well-timed pictures of gastric bleeding, they are demonstrated here with some comments thereon added.

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