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Primary carcinoma of the duodenum is a relatively rare disease, and in western countries there have been up to now only 649 such cases reported since Hamburger found it for the first time in 1746. In this country, reported cases amount to 238 to date.
Coexistence of primary carcinoma of the doudenum with cancer of other organs is very uncommon, and double cancer of the stomach and the duodenum is rarer still; only two such cases, one in this country and the other in Europe, have ever been reported up till now.
The authors recently happened to find duodenal carcinoma in the autopsy of a patient, who had died of pneumonia about three and a half year after the resection of his stomach on account of gastric cancer. As cancers of the stomach and the doudenum found in this case are considered as both primary and independent of each other in their origin, it is described in this paper at full length.
Case: 73 years old Japanese male
Cancer of the stomach was found by x-ray examination in March, 1963, and accordingly subtotal resection of the stomach was performed by Billroth I method. The excised cancer was dish-shaped, 7.5×6.8 in diam., with sharp demarcation. Pathohistologically it was papillary adenocarcinoma. The patient had favorable progress toward recovery. X-ray examination performed one year after the resection of the stomach revealed no sign of recurrence in the gastric remnant nor any abnormality in the duodenum. Unfortunately, in May, 1966, he was seized with apoplexy. Soon he took a turn for the worse, and in September of the same year, he died of accompanying pneumonia.
Findings at autopsy: No recurrence was found in the gastric remnant, nor was there any metastasis to contiguous organs as well as to remote ones. Surprisingly enough, a broad-based polypoid tumor was found in the duodenum, 7 cm distal from the papilla of Vater and 13 cm away from gastroduodenal anastomosis. Histologically it proved to be papillary adenocacinoma.
As there is no cancerous infiltration either around this lesion or in the area between it and the gastric remnant, with no metastasis to regional lymph nodes, this cancer is considered as of primary doudenal origin, independent of the initial gastric cancer, and so these two carcinomas each of different location assuredly constitute primary double cancer of the stomach and the duodenum.

Copyright © 1969, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.