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A CASE OF EARLY GASTRIC CANCER, ATYPICAL Ⅱc PLUS Ⅲ Hideo Hiratsuka 1 1Hiratsuka Surgical and Gastroenterological Hospital pp.47-52
Published Date 1969/1/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403110892
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 Patient: male, 51 years of age.

 Stomach ulcer was detected at the time of mass examination of the stomach, and the patient was referred to for thorough check-up.

 Though for a relatively short period, X-ray and endoscope were employed for follow-up study, and two ulcers were easily detected above the gastric angle. Depression resembling Type Hc was seen in the surrounding area, but the ulcer soon healed, thus leaving the image of healing ulcer amidst the Type Ⅱc depression.

 By the gross observation of the excised stomach, it turned out to be quite different from ordinary Type Ⅱc, since the margin was rather indistinct and pathohistologically the extent of cancer did not coincide with the area of depression. Thus this was a case of early gastric cancer (carcinoma mucocellulare simplex), quite distinguishable from ordinary Type Ⅱc in that it is found only in the margin of the depression. It is termed atypical because the margin of depression was obscure for the most part, making it difficult to trace the extent of cancer by macroscopical obser vation.

 Among many cases of early gastric cancer reported these days, the combination of Types Ⅱc and Ⅲ is rather common and easy to diagnose, being, as it were, out of focus in the diagnosis of early gastric cancer, but when it is atypical as in this case, there still remains many problems as to X-ray and endoscope observations.

 It is every clinician's responsibility to examine each cancerous case in detail, and not to discard the orthodox approach for diagnosis in the process of examination.

Copyright © 1969, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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