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要旨 1979年4月から1989年6月までに経験したアフタおよび小潰瘍(5mm以下)から成るCrohn病8例を呈示し,病変の性状,分布,生検所見,臨床経過につき考察を加えた.①色素散布法によって8例全例の胃と直腸に多発するアフタを認めた.十二指腸には8例中7例に病変を描出した.②小腸には6例,結腸には7例にアフタまたは小潰瘍を認めた.③胃から肛門までの消化管から採取された多数の生検標本を連続切片作製による方法も含めて検索し,6例に非乾酪性類上皮肉芽腫を,1例に肉芽腫様病変を証明した.④X線・内視鏡所見と生検所見から8例中7例をCrohn病確診例,残り1例をCrohn病疑診例とした.⑤6年3か月経過を追跡した1例では,偏側性硬化像と敷石像を有する病変へと進展した.しかし5年8か月の経過例では病変は消褪した.そのほか改善するもの,不変,再燃したものなどその経過は一定しなかった.上記の成績に文献的考察を加え,Crohn病のアフタは全消化管粘膜のマクロファージの異常を現しているものと推測した.そして比較的長期間存続し,何らかのきっかけで急速に縦走潰瘍や敷石像へと進展したり消褪するものと考えた.
Eight patients with Crohn's disease having aphthoid ulcers and/or small ulcers (less than 5 mm) as the only radiographic and endoscopic abnormalities were presented, and characteristics of the lesion, distribution, histology of biopsy specimens and clinical course were studied.
1) Multiple aphthoid ulcers of the stomach and rectum were demonstrated by dye-spraying method in all of the eight patients. Those of the duodenum were found in seven patients.
2) Aphthoid ulcers or small ulcers in the small bowel were recognized in six patients, and in the colon, they were recognized in seven patints.
3) Non-caseating epithelioid cell granulomata were found in six patients, and granulomatous lesions were found in one patient by histological study of biopsy specimens with serial sectioning employed in some cases.
4) Seven patients were diagnosed as having Crohn's disease, and the other one was diagnosed as being a suspected case of Crohn's disease on the basis of radiographic and endoscopic findings and histology of biopsy specimens.
5) Progression from aphthoid ulcers to overt changes of eccentric rigidity and cobblestoning was found in one case after a follow-up for six years and three months. On the other hand, in another case aphthoid ulcers disappeared during the course of five years and eight months. The clinical course of aphthoid ulcers was variable. They improved in some cases, but were either unchanged or showed recurrence in other cases. From those results and discussion of the literature it was speculated that aphthoid ulcers represent an abnormal macrophage function of the whole gastrointestinal tract, and that they may remain unchanged for a comparatively long period of time, or show rapid disappearance or rapid progression to longitudinal ulcers and cobblestoning under the influence of certain factores.

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