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要旨 逆流性食道炎10例における食道壁の変化を超音波内視鏡(EUS)を用いて観察した.その変化は主として第3層,第4層における層構造の異常所見として捉えられ,これは切除例における粘膜下層,固有筋層の線維化と一致していた.特に高度狭窄例においては,第3層,第4層の肥厚,エコーレベルの均一化として描出され,その内部エコーはhomogenousであった.狭窄のない症例では第3層の一部に限局したエコーレベルの低下と肥厚,粗糙化を認める症例,および全くEUSの所見として捉えられない症例との2種類があり,高度狭窄例を含め逆流性食道炎における超音波内視鏡所見は3段階に分類することが可能であった.
Evaluation of esophagitis with gastro-esophageal reflux was made by endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS). In patients with reflux esophagitis, there are variable findings observed by EUS on the third and fourth layers of the esophageal wall. Particularly, severe stenosis of the esophagus due to esophagitis is observed. The third and fourth layers of the esophageal wall were visualized on the EUS as thick, smooth, and homogenous echo levels. Histological study in resected cases revealed fibrosis of the submucosal and muscle layers. It was suggested that on the EUS observation the fibrotic changes of the esophageal wall made the echo levels of the third and fourth layers similar to each other. The reflux esophagitis was classified into three types by EUS.

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