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患 者:H. K. 67歳,女性.
主 訴:上腹部とう痛,胃部膨満感,嘔吐.
The patient: a 67-year-old housewife.
Chief complaints : pain in the upper abdomen and vomiting.
Present history : Since the beginning of June 1971 the patient had slight epigastralgia and full sensation of the stomach after meals. X-ray examination done in the middle of the same month revealed no abnormality. As the pain in the upper abdomen persisted and since the end of June she began to have bouts of hematemesis and vomiting in the evening, she visited our hospital. She was admitted for further check-up because of noticiable anemia.
Observations at admission : The patient was rather small of stature and slightly undernourished. Conjunctivae were rather anemic, but sclerae showed no jaundice. The abdomen was flat with no palpable liver or spleen. The epigastrium and left lower quadrant were very tender on palpation and resistent. The feces after admission was strongly positive for occult blood. In the upper x-ray G-Ⅰ series no abnormality was seen in the stomah, but in the duodenum abnormal course and dilation of the mucosal folds were seen in the second portion. In addition, an irregular constriction was noticed in the terminal end of the third portion. Hypotonic duodenography revealed there a flat-tipped elevation with granular surface associated with partial ulceration. The elevation was seen as an irregular shadow defect, measuring about 4 cm long. It was highly suggestive of malignancy. Endoscopy was not performed, however.
Findings at operation : The first and second portions of the duodenum were markedly dilated, and in the terminal part, corresponding to the Treitz's ligament, was a hard tumor palpated in the duodenal wall, the serosa strongly adhering to the mesenterium. Under a diagnosis of malignant growth of the duodenum we resected the second portion in its entire length, followed by sied-to-end duodenojejunal anastomosis. Gross specimen of the resected duodenum showed a granular, flat-tipped protrusion of irregular shape about 5 cm long, extending over the entire circumference of the intestinal wall. A shallow depression of some extent was seen in the center of the lesion, with a perforation 0.8 mm in diameter a little to one side. Histology revealed a well-differentiated papillotubular adenocarcinoma still in the stage of mucosal cancer. It encircled almost the whole of the central ulcer, which was Ul-IV. No cancer invasion was seen beyond the muscularis mucosae. The present case is possibly the first report of early cancer of the duodenum, for we could not find any in the literature available for us.

Copyright © 1972, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.