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患 者:58歳,女.
主 訴:食物摂取時の心窩部のしみる痛み.
A 58-year-old woman, complaining of postprandial stomachache of 3 months' duration, was admitted to our hospital as an abnormality was found in the cardia at a gastric mass survey. Upper G. I. series and endoscopy disclosed at the cardia an ulceration looking like a Borrmann 2 change. Taking into consideration of findings of gastric biopsy and cytology, we have arrived at a preoperative diagnosis of malignant lymphoma. Resected specimen showed a shallow ulceration, 51×40 mm, extending from the anterior to posterior wall of the cardia. Histologically the ulcerated lesion belonged to malignant lymphoma of large cell type, reaching the proper muscular coat. No metastasis to lymph nodes was recognized.

Copyright © 1982, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.