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要旨 retrospective studyを行う前に,まず,X線診断に必要な病理学的事項を調べた.過去14年10か月の間に得た術前未治療の食道癌239例300病変の原発性多発癌巣,および上皮内伸展(以下ie)について頻度,拡がり・大きさなどを深達度別に検討した.多発例が18.0%,ieは56.3%にみられ,拡がり・大きさに規則性はなかった.これらに対応するX線診断は今日ではまだない.したがって,retrospective study上,癌の進展を確実に論ずるのは不可能で,肉眼形態の変化を論ずるのがせいぜいである.隆起がはっきりしてきたとか,隆起中央の陥凹がはっきりしてきたことしか断言しえないという結論である.
In the last 14 years and 10 months, three hundred lesions taken from 239 cases of esophageal carcinoma were studied concerning multiplicity and intraepithelial spread. The incidence of multiplicity of primary esophageal carcinoma was 18.0%, and that of intraepithelial spread was 56.3%
However, the clinical diagnoses of these items were poor, not only diagnoses by radiology but also those by endoscopy. Because of this, in the radiological retrospective study of esophageal carcinoma, the progression of size could not be discussed. Only the morphological progression was able to be examined.

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