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患 者:78歳,女.
主 訴:めまい.
The patient, a 78-year-old woman, had suffered from dizziness for three years and was diagnosed as having anemia by a doctor.
At our hospital, x-ray and endoscopic examinations revealed a superficial widespreading gastric cancer (Type Ⅱc) measuring about 9×5 cm in dimensions and located in the middle portion of the stomach along the lesser curvature (Fig. 1~4). The Ⅱc lesion was diagnosed radiologically and endoscopically as differentiated carcinoma infiltrating the submucosa, because there was rigidity of the lesser curvature of the angular region.
Biopsy material revealed adenocarcinoma tubulare (Fig. 5).
In the resected stomach, there was a superficial widespreading Ⅱc lesion, measuring about 11×10 cm, located in the middle portion through the lesser curvature (Fig. 6, 7).
The Ⅱc lesion was diagnosed histologically as well-differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma infiltrating the submucosa (Fig. 8, 9).
The case shows macroscopically and radiologically a typical Type Ⅱc of differentiated carcinoma.

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