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患 者:64歳,男.
主 訴:悪心,嘔吐.
既往歴:1956年5月2日,新潟大学外科にて十二指腸潰瘍で胃部分切除を受け,Billroth Ⅱ法にて消化管再建がなされた.切除胃(31-356)の病理組織学的検索では悪性所見は認められなかった.
Type Ⅰ early gastric cancer was found in the remnant stomach of a 64-year-old man who underwent the partial gastrectomy (Billroth Ⅱ) because of duodenal ulcer 25 years ago.
He complainted of nausea and vomiting after drinking in February 1981. Upper gastrointestinal series and endoscopic examination revealed a protruded lesion, diagnosed as type Ⅰ early gastric cancer, on the posterior wall of the remnant stomach. Biopsy specimens revealed carcinoma. Total gastrectomy was performed on April 13, 1981. The tumor was 3. 5×2. 8×1.1 cm in size and showed submucosal cancer invasion. Histology of this tumor showed papillotubular adenocarcinoma and partially poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma on the proximal side of the tumor.
The patient had no complaints and no sign of relapsing for one year and eight months after operation.

Copyright © 1982, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.