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患 者:6カ月,男子
病 歴:生後まもなく肛門周囲に湿疹様のかぶれを生じ,皮膚科を受診,軟膏をつけてもらっていたが増悪する一方である.生後3カ月時に肛囲の一部に膿瘍を形成し,切開排膿をしてもらった.生後2カ月まで母乳を飲ませていたが,下痢便が続きあまり飲まなくなったのでミルクに替えた.その後も肛門から会陰のびらんは進行していき,1日4~5回の下痢便があり,出血を伴ない痛がる.その他,生後1カ月時に石油ストーブをつけている室で真青になり,受診しガス中毒にかかったという.生後3カ月頃より喘鳴がはじまり,現在まで継続している.生後5カ月時に全身に発疹を生じたが,麻疹ではなく原因ははっきりしないといわれた.家族歴,出生時の状況などについては表1に示した.
In two babies, one 6-month-old, male, and the other, 2-month-old female, extensive ulcers arising shortly after their birth were encountered that extended from the lower part of the rectum out through the anus over to the perineal region. The ulcers, shallow and free from coat, did not form a tumor mass. Pathologically, these ulcers belonged to nonspecific inflammatory ulcers different from those seen in ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease in the adult.
The ulcers produced local pain, tenesmus and diarrhoea to such a degree as to jeopardize their lives. These ulcers did not respond well to medication of corticosteroids and antibiotics, and only after the artificial anus was made in the colon above the ulcerations and stools were hindered from passing the diseased segment did the severe symptoms subside, restoring life to the babies. Both cases were complicated with aphthae in the mouth together with inflammatory pharyngeal polyposis. Tendency to ulceration was suggested by these findings in the entire length of the digestive tract.
We are of the opinion that recto-anal ulcers seen in these babies comprise a new pathological entity as yet unreported in the literature. No hereditary or embryologic abnormality was recognized.

Copyright © 1973, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.