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症 例
患 者:52歳 男
主 訴:下腹部仙痛
A 52-year-old man was well until December 9, 1977, when he suddenly developed colic in the evening and visited the hospital because the pain persisted.
Physical examination revealed he was acutely ill, but no other objective findings were elicited except abdominal tenderness. He was admitted as acute abdomen. On the following day, he again developed colic in the right upper quadrant and fell into shock in the evening. He recovered from shock within 30 minutes and became ambulatory as usual on the next day.
Routine laboratory studies revealed no abnormalities. Plain film of the abdomen, upper GI series and cholecystogram were also non-revealing. However, barium enema demonstrated a narrow portion of the ascending colon and probably a space occupied lesion in the mesenterial side along the ascending colon. Selective angiogram of the superior mesenteric artery demonstrated a narrow trunk a few cm from the orifice to the origin of the ileocolic artery and complete occlusion of the middle colic artery and right colic artery. There were two aneurysms at the trunk of the superior mesenteric artery. Segmental absence of vasa recti in the ascending colon was seen. In addition, a space occupied lesion was suspected in the mesenterial side along the ascending colon.
From these findings, the diagnosis of ischemic colitis associated with a narrow trunk and aneurysms of the superior mesenteric artery and mesenteric hematoma possibly due to rupture of an aneurysm, was made, and laparotomy was performed on December 27, 1977.
Findings at operation were as follow: 1) Pulsations were not felt on the middle colic artery and the right colic artery, though there was a weak pulsation on the stenotic superior mesenteric artery. 2) There were two small aneurysms at the superior mesenteric artery. 3) The segmental portion of the middle ascending colon was definitely narrow but the appea-rance was normal. 4) There was a tumor with size of 9×6×3 cm in the mesenterial side along the ascending colon.
Microangiography of the resected specimen demonstrated absence of vasa recti in the middle portion of the ascending colon. Resected specimen showed a definite color change and narrow hollow viscus, indicating ischemia in the ascending colon. The cut surface of the mesenterial tumor showed a fairly fresh hematoma.
It has been reported that ischemic colitis occurs predominantly in the left side colon and vascular lesions are not always demonstrated on angiographic examinations. Since the reported case had ischemic lesion in the right side colon, the narrow trunk of superior mesenteric artery, obstruction of the middle colic artery and right colic artery and two small aneurysms, angitis rather than atherosclerotic changes is most likely. Mesenteric hematoma was thought to be due to rupture of a small aneurysm, when considering clinical course. From these reasons, this case was considered to be a rather unusual case of ischemic colitis.

Copyright © 1979, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.