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The Combined Use of Radiography and Endoscopy in Diagnosis of the Large Intestine M. Nishizawa 1 , A. Kariya 2 1Tokyo Metropolitan Cancer Detection Center 2Chiba Cancer Center Hospital pp.355-363
Published Date 1979/3/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403107640
  • Abstract
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 In order to use radiography and endoscopy together effectively in the diagnosis of the large intestine it is first necessary to evaluate the relative merits and demerits of each.

 1) Under ideal conditions, radiography can reveal fine network patterns and the uneven features of polyps, ulcers, and erosion in units of mm. Thus, apart from cases where diagnosis is based on coloration, such as melanosis coli, endoscopy is generally inferior to radiography for initial diagnosis.

 2) Endoscopy has proved the more efficacious in making accurate diagnosis on the basis of changing superficial features, e.g. judging the remission stage of ulcerative colitis, and determining whether intestinal polyps are benign or malignant.

 3) The efficacy of radiography in clinical application depends on the competence of the individual radiographer. Thus, in diagnosing polyps of the large intestine, cases of false positive (over diagnosis) and false negative (undetected polyp) diagnoses reveal a rate of 20%~40% and 15%~40% respectively. Endoscopy has proven superior to radiography in discovering these small, misdiagnosed polyps, most of which are under 5 mm.

 4) With the development of the magnifying fiberscope it has become possible to detect minute adenoma and hyperplastic polyps invisible to the naked eye. In judging the remission features of ulcerative colitis, too, magnified observation has opened new diagnostic possibilities hitherto missing from radiographic and earlier intestinal fiberscopic techniques.

 As a matter of practical procedure we believe that the use of radiography in conjunction with other techniques such as the sigmoid fiber colonoscope or proctoscope is worthy of serious consideration. When the individual radiographer is expert, however, radiography alone may be used for routine diagnosis.

Copyright © 1979, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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