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潰瘍性大腸炎は,その本態,および成因について,明確な定義はなされていないが,1903年Boas1)がColitis ulcerosaと記載して以後,―独立疾患とみなされるに至った.本邦においては,1928年稲田2)が,重症大腸炎として報告以来,数々の報告がなされ,詳細は松永3)により,第55回内科学会総会の宿題報告として,259例についての検討がなされている.小児科領域での本症は,比較的稀な疾患4)で,欧米では,Helmholz5)によれば,Logan6)による1例報告が最初のようであり,本邦では,1952年中山7)による乳児の剖検例が報告されている.われわれは,最近小児の潰瘍性大腸炎の経過観察をする機会に恵まれたので,ここに報告する.
患 者:11歳6ヵ月,男児(長男).
主 訴:下血.
Ulcerative colitis in childhood is a rare disease in Japan. A child with ulcerative colitis who was studied over a year and a half is described.
A 11-years-old male child was admitted to Chiba University Hospital in July 1971 because of bloody stool. One year previously he had begun to have episodes of bloody stool without diarrhoea. He was treated conservatively in other hospital, but his symptom was not improved.
He was referred to our hospital because of this puzzling picture. On admission, physical examination was entirely normal except for mild moon face and moderate tenderness at the right lower quadrant.
He was having 2 or 3 bowel movements a day. Laboratory findings included a red blood cell count of 3,950,000 and a hemoglobin of 8.6 g per 100 ml. Stools were positive for occult blood and blood sedimentation rate was 25 mm per hour.
Barium enema showed abnormal barium coating, fein spiculations along the margin of the colon, irregularshaped niches and disappearance of network pattern of the mucosa. Absent vessel pattern, numerous bleeding spots and some erosions were recognized in the endoscopic examination. Biopsy specimens revealed crypt abscess, infiltration of inflammatory cells, atrophy of the gland of Lieberkuhn and fibrosis in the submucosal layer.
He was diagnosed as ulcerative colitis and enema of corticosteroids was then begun. He responded well to treatment and his symptom disappeared within a few weeks. Salazopyrin was administrated after cessation of corticosteroid therapy. He has been asymptomatic for the past 12 months.

Copyright © 1973, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.