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要旨 全国大腸癌登録調査報告第1号から4号および第6号(大腸癌研究会刊,1985~1990年)に記載された18,749例の大腸癌(1974-1982年に治療された症例)の臨床情報に基づき,大腸pm癌の概況を述べた.pm癌の頻度は13.5%(2,527例)で,同母集団のm・sm癌合計1,268例の2倍に当たる.部位別にみると,下行結腸より口側では5%,S状結腸では10%,直腸では20%である.5年生存率は,結腸pm癌77.8(±3.4)%,直腸pm癌742(±22)%である.リンパ節転移を持つ頻度は,結腸では20%(n112.4%,n2以上7.6%),直腸では,26.7%(n118%,n2以上8.7%)であった.1974年から1982年の間に,pm癌が大腸癌全症例に対して占める割合は変化していない.
A general view of colo-rectal carcinoma was made possible using clinical data of 18,749 cases which appeared in the Report No.1 to No.6 of the JRSCCR Registry. The cases were treated in the membershiphospitals of the JRSCCR between January 1974 and December 1982 and registered from 1982 to 1984. The total number of cases of pm cancer was 2,527. Of those 195 (7.7%) were located in the right colon (caecum, ascending and transverse colon), 463 (18.3%) in the left colon (descending and sigmoid colon) and 1,869 (74%) in the rectum. Five-year survival rate of the pm cancer patients was 77.8(±3.4)% in the colon group and 74.2(±2.2)% in the rectum group. Lymph node metastases were found on 2O% of the cases in the colon group and 26.7% of the cases in the rectum group. The proportion of pm cancer to the overall number of cancers in the large intestine was about 13% and has not changed during the 9years from 1974 to 1982.
*Japanese Research Society for Cancer of Colon and Rectum

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