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患 者:N. T.,74歳,男
主 訴:とくになし.
現 症:体格中等度,栄養状態まず良好.眼瞼結膜に貧血なく眼球結膜に黄疸なし.舌苔なし.脈拍整で緊張良好,Virchow氏リンパ節を触れず,また胸,腹部にとくに異常を認めない.
Case: A 74-year-old male.
X-ray revealed three independent lesions. The first was an irregularly-outlined nodular protrusion with slightly depressed surface located on the lesser curvature just above the gastric angle; the second was composed of granular mucosal changes uneven in size and shape, situated at the antrum just anal side from the gastric angle ; the third, a small polypoid lesion on the mid portion of the corpus.
Endoscopy also revealed three independent lesions. The first was a nodular protrusion with depressed surface irregular in shape and uneven in base on the lesser curvature above the angle : the second was a plateau-like lesion with granular surface on the posterior wall of the antrum ; and the third, a small hemispherical lesion on the anterior wall in the midportion of the corpus.
The gross specimen of the resected stomach are summarized as follows.
1. An irregularly-outlined slightly elevated lesion, 2.5×1.4 cm in size, with partly eroded surface on the lesser curvature of the junctional zone.
2. A plateau-like lesion with granular surface, 2.5×4.5 cm in size, in the posterior wall of the antrum and junctional area.
3. A pedunculated polyp, measuring 1.0×0.7 cm with lobulated surface originating in the anterior wall of the body.
4. Two adjacent depressed lesions, each 1.0×1.0 cm in size, partly accompanied by low protrusions with gyrus-like surface on the lesser curvature of the antrum. This lesion could not be pointed out preoperatively.
Histologically, the lesion 1 was signet-ring cell carcinoma partly invading the muscularis propria. The lesion 2 was an adenoma of severe atypical epithelium with some suspicion of well-differentiated adenocarcinoma. The lesion 3 was an adenomatous polyp with slight atypicality and the lesion 4 was adenoma with moderate atypicality.
In aged persons, coexistence of multiple lesions of the stomach is common; therefore, it is of great importance to check up on the entire stomach in diagnostic process.
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