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要旨 患者は79歳,男性.1982年1月初旬の注腸検査で上行結腸,横行結腸およびS状結腸に2~3mmの隆起性病変を,おのおの1個ずつ認めた,内視鏡検査でも同様の病変を認め,生検ではいずれも管状腺腫であった.約3年9か月後の内視鏡検査では,上行結腸のポリープは前回に比し,ほとんど変化を認めず,生検でも管状腺腫であったが,横行結腸およびS状結腸のポリープはいずれも6,7mmと約2倍に増大し,形態的にも無茎から亜有茎または有茎に変化していた.増大した2つのポリープをポリペクトミーにより摘除し,病理組織学的検索を行ったところ横行結腸のポリープは管状腺腫であったが,S状結腸のポリープは管状腺腫の一部に粘膜内にとどまる高分化腺癌を認めた.S状結腸の腺癌は腺腫を母地として発生したものと考えられた.
A 79-year-old man visited our hospital because of abdominal disconfort and constipation in December 1981. Barium enema and colonoscopic examinations revealed three sessile polyps, 2-3 mm in size, each of these being in the ascending, transverse, and sigmoid colon. These polyps were diagnosed histologically as tubular adenoma on biopsy specimen.
In October 1985, follow-up colonoscopy showed that the polyp in the ascending colon remained the same in size, but that the other two polyps in the transverse and sigmoid colon grew and became sub- or pedunculated form, 6, 7 mm in size. Among these enlarged polyps, one in the transverse colon was diagnosed histologically as tubular adenoma, but the other in the sigmoid colon was diagnosed as carcinoma in adenoma on polypectomy specimen.
We thought that the carcinoma arose from the adenoma through malignant change.
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