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要旨 胃集団検診で発見された早期胃癌392例の中で,加療がなされない放置例16例の臨床経過,遠隔成績などについて報告する.治療がなされなかった理由は,患者の診療拒否,高齢,合併症などである.5年累積生存率は61.1%,10年累積生存率は27.9%である.早期胃癌の中には加療しないで放置していても長期間生存している症例もあることが判明した.
The gastric mass examination has been carried out by the Awa Medical Association in Awa area of Chiba prefecture since 1968. Three hundred and ninety two cases of early gastic cancer have been diagnosed out of 397,874 examinees. Sixteen cases of them did not undergo the operation because of various reasons, such as senility, preoperative complications and the refusal of surgical treatment. They have been followed up without any treatment. The survival rates after five years and ten years of these 16 cases were 61.1% and 27.9%, respectively. It is likely that there were some cases of early gastric cancer with very slow progression and long term survival without treatments.

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